Estate Planning
Our goal is to provide a simple and secure solution for your future. An Estate Plan fulfills the legacy of a Financial Plan and creates a peace of mind that is irreplaceable.
We are proud to offer a cost-effective estate planning solution
Every plan that we coordinate has the ability to include information that addresses conduit language for IRA’s, opportunities to convert shares to a Special Needs Trust or postpone distribution in exceptional circumstances (example: drug use), state-specific requirements, flexibility plan for unknown changes in State and Federal Estate Tax Law, and more.
Estate Planning Package includes:
·Property Agreement for Community Property States
·Financial Power Of Attorney
·Certification Of Trust
·Deed(s) for Real property ($250- $500/Deeds)
·HIPAA Release
·General Transfer
·Medical Power of Attorney or Advance Health Care Directive
Of Americans say they would like an Estate Plan, but haven’t gotten around to it yet*
Of Americans believe for someone to pass away without an estate plan is irresponsible, inconsiderate, and ignorant.
Of Americans that have a completed or updated an out of date Estate Plan:
Have confidence their affairs are in order for their loved ones
Feel in greater control of their end of life medical decisions and that their family could advocate for them with confidence
More comfortable communicating with the next generation about the future

All Estate Planning Services offered through Core Alpha Inc., a registered investment advisor with the SEC and Helios Integrated Planning. Page content provided by Helios Integrated Planning.